Monday, May 4, 2009

Upcoming Blog Event: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Transformers

Transforming Seminarian has joined forces with Bloggers Unite to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Transformers with a multi-blog event this Friday, May 8th. Several other blogs have already signed up in the early stages of planning, and I expect more will do so this week (you can see some of them, and can sign up yourself, at this link, although a number of bloggers have made informal commitments via the Allspark and elsewhere).

I've tried not to set unnecessarily restrictive requirements for participation in this event. Just write something about Transformers on May 8th. If you already have a Transformers-centric blog, you're especially encouraged to come up with something special for the 25th Anniversary (where were you when you first learned about the Transformers, for example), but if you don't regularly feature Transformers on your blog, you might just want to do a toy or a comic review, or talk about the time that someone in a Grimlock costume came to your local zoo, or whatever strikes your fancy. Then, once you've written your piece, head over to the Bloggers Unite site and share your link there, so that others can see what you've written.

Why May 8th? It's a fair question, and I'm sure arguments can be made for other dates. My reasoning is that, as the date of the release of the first issue of Marvel's Transformers comic, May 8th was the first time that Transformers merchandise was made available to the public, and thus is an appropriate choice for an anniversary date. See you back here on Friday!

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