Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Preparing for BotCon

It's almost here! A week from tomorrow, I'll be sitting in the customizing class to begin my 2009 BotCon experience. This seems to be a good time to relist the appropriate links I've already written, as well as fill you in on some of my plans on covering the convention via this blog.
  • In response to some requests I'd gotten online, I put together a brief "Survival Guide" to the greater Pasadena/Los Angeles area (especially amenities close to the convention center). I later added this In-N-Out (Alhambra) review when so many people mentioned the need to enjoy In-N-Out while they're here.
  • I've stayed out of the business of covering rumors for the most part, but I did mention this much near the beginning of the pre-registration period.
That brings me to my plans for this blog. Between the convention itself, and the toys that are already known to be coming out, and the toys that are rumored to be coming out, I'm going to shift to a daily schedule (including some, but not all, weekend days) for roughly two weeks starting on Friday, May 29th. On that day, I'll share what I'm able to about the experience of the customizing class (and pictures, if I'm able to take ones worth sharing, of the custom toy I'll have put together). Then, I'll spend a little bit of time writing about the convention before moving to daily features on each of the toys released that weekend. For the most part, I'll leave it to the TF news sites like TFW2005 and the Allspark to take care of sharing what news is coming out of Hasbro or in regard to the movie. What I'll have here will deal more with my experience at the convention. I hope you'll find it interesting. I'm certainly looking forward to it!

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