As my brother Nick and I have spent the past year doing
Not Your Father's Autobot, one of the things we've often commented upon is the incongruity created by the fact that the comic nominally focused on
Generation 2 features so few of the actual toys from that line. One notable exception to this is Sideswipe, who from the first issue was featured in his distinctive G2 color scheme. When the Masterpiece line chose to homage this toy with "Lambor G-2 version" (using the Japanese names for Sideswipe and G2, respectively), they went a step further, not only homaging the G2 toy, but specifically the character's depiction in the comic.

Let's get the more mundane parts out of the way first. This Masterpiece figure is, like the original G2 figure before it, essentially a color swap of the regular Sideswipe figure of the line (technically its "Lambor," but I'm just going to keep saying "Sideswipe"). Reds have become black, and blacks have become red. While I did make sure to use one of the G2 Autobot symbols on this toy (an option the original G2 figure did
not have, ironically), I otherwise did not use
the sticker set that came with with Masterpiece figure, which allows the user to add other details to emulate the original G2 figure it represents.
You have to look at the toy's robot mode to see the features that really set it apart from other Masterpiece figures. Besides a remolded face, specially designed to emulate the character design created by Derek Yaniger for the comic book, this set includes a couple of fake spiked-tires to fit on Sideswipe's shoulders, as well as a pair of hand weapons that emulate the chunky hand weapons often used by G2 Transformers in the comic.

The G2 comic accessories included with this figure also include a sword, but sadly they didn't go the final step of giving Sideswipe the bandolier he so prominently wore in the pages of the comic, so you do have to set the sword aside if you're using the chunky guns, rather than store the sword properly on Sideswipe's back. I suppose you could still stick the sword between parts of the figure's back, but it's really not designed for it.

Thanks to everyone for your patience over the past month while we played "catch-up" with life. We're back on track now, so please come back on Sunday to catch the next episode of
Not Your Father's Autobot: A Transformers: Generation 2
Comic Book Podcast. We'll be talking about issue #9.