February and
March, I covered two of the three "Skyscorchers" I own. I actually had Windrazor for much longer than either of those two, but as I got it second-hand without the hand weapon/radar (actually, I discovered that the peg from the weapon is broken off, still in the weapon hole for Windrazor's jet mode!), I decided that I should discuss the others first, so as to demonstrate that feature that, in theory, figures in this subline shared. With that out of the way (and with
Space Case discussed in April to break up the monotony), let's talk about Windrazor.

Windrazor is one of those figures that you probably don't want to look at too closely, lest the flaws in his design become too obvious. His shoulders seem disconnected from the rest of his torso, his hollowness is obvious if you look at him from the side, and he holds no leg articulation whatsoever. (To be fair, the other Skyscorchers have similar failings, but something about Windrazor makes them more obvious to me... perhaps it's the lighter color scheme?)

Windrazor's jet mode is solid enough, and I especially appreciate the bird pattern tampographed across the plane's body. It helps set the mode apart from the multitude of other jet Transformers out there. Windrazor's toes actually serve as the rear wheels that stabilize this mode when on the ground, so you never actually have to move them at all, but they
do fold back so that the wheels aren't deployed while in flight (as does the front stabilizer wheel), giving you a bit of extra play value.
Really, Windrazor's not a bad toy at all, if perhaps not up to modern standards... or even the articulation that later G2 toys (such as Space Case) would enjoy (but remember that, like his fellow Skyscorchers, Windrazor technically precedes G2, having first come out overseas before the Generation 2 line began in America). If you want to find it on eBay, you shouldn't have to spend much to get it.
Whether or not you seek out Windrazor for your collection, be sure to come back Sunday for the next episode of Not Your Father's Autobot: A Transformers: Generation 2 Comic Book Podcast, in which we'll discuss issue #4.
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