Transformers: A Continuation
By Mark Baker-Wright
Part 2
(Picture: Fortress Maximus looking at frozen Ratchet)
Fortress Maximus: What happened?Ratchet: I don't know. I was coming out to help you fight Megatron when, all of a sudden, I froze in my tracks. I can't move.
(Picture: Megatron [also frozen])
(Picture: Fortress Maximus picking up Megatron)
(Picture: Fortress Maximus carrying Megatron, walking by Ratchet)
Ratchet: Very funny.
(Scene change: Galvatron moving through wilderness)
(Picture: Galvatron in deep thought)
(Scene change: Fortress Maximus and Ratchet in Ark [life support section] Ratchet still frozen.)
Ratchet: Don't bet on it! Most of the Ark was destroyed by the crash. I'd barely gotten enough of these life-support systems working to give me status reports on the Autobots. The nucleon is doing all the work. If Megatron were to become mobile, he could escape easily.
(Picture: Fortress Maximus looking at readouts)
Ratchet: Yes, go ahead. But I'd rather only release a few at a time. We don't want thirty Autobots running around confused at once. Start with some of the smaller ones.
(Picture: Fortress Maximus with the recently released Autobots) [OK, I admit it. I changed this just now to preserve the suspense until the Autobots are actually introduced.]
Fortress Maximus: Doctor Ratchet, allow me to present to recently revived Autobots...
and Warpath.
Brawn: Hold on there, Doc. What's going, on? Where is everybody? And why are you acting like a statue?
Ratchet: Optimus Prime and the other Autobots have all left Earth for unknown reasons. Fortress Maximus was left behind and requires our help to combat a renewed Decepticon threat. As for my... condition.... It seems to be a side effect of the nucleon which revived us. Fortress Maximus and I are working on a way to reverse the process.
Huffer: What? So you mean the rest of us are going to end up frozen just like you? I think I'd rather have stayed deactivated!
Ratchet: I'm sorry, but I had no choice. Right now, Fortress Maximus is the only one who can help me, and we have reason to believe that at the Decepticons may still be at large. We hope to be able to figure out how to reactivate my motion circuits before anyone else suffers my fate.
(Picture: Huffer seems not to be listening, and is looking at the Ark around him)
Fortress Maximus: I'm afraid that all of your expertise won't help this ship. The Ark is grounded for good.
(Picture: Whole group. Ark shakes!)
(Picture: Autobots pick themselves up)
Fortress Maximus: I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Autobots, come with me! Beachcomber and Windcharger, stay with Ratchet!
(Picture: Others leaving, focus on Windcharger and Beachcomber with Ratchet)
Beachcomber: Don't worry. I'm sure something will happen. At least we're reasonably safe here.
(Picture: Ark shakes again)
(Picture: Beachcomber)
Beachcomber: Did I say safe? Allow me to rephrase that.(Picture: Galvatron just outside of the Ark)
Galvatron: Autobot! I know you're in there! Are you going to come out, or do I have to go in there after you?(Picture: Fortress Maximus emerges from Ark)
(Picture: Galvatron preparing to attack)
[I feel compelled to point out that, at the time I wrote this, I had not seen the Japanese Headmasters series, during which Galvatron was indeed apparently destroyed in a similar arctic bath, despite having survived the destruction of Cybertron itself earlier in the series. I still feel that being thrown in frozen water should not have destroyed a Transformer as demonstrably powerful as Galvatron when Shockwave was shown to have been thrown in a swamp back in Marvel TF US #12, yet returned only two issues later. Galvatron is TONS more powerful than Shockwave is!]
(Picture: Fortress Maximus)
(Picture: image of Spike in Fortress Maximus's mind)
(Scene change back to Ark. Windcharger, Beachcomber & Ratchet. Ratchet is trembling, and loose plates are falling off of him.)
Windcharger: I think... Oh, no! He's falling apart!
(Picture: Ratchet breaks out of shell. Is now an Action Master. A second picture shows off Action Master Ratchet) [I never did determine how AM Ratchet would look different than his pre-AM counterpart....]
Windcharger: Why?
Ratchet (close-up): Because he needs to know that Megatron has just escaped!
End of Part 2
Here's Part 3
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