Wednesday, January 19, 2022

In Remembrance of Derrick J. Wyatt - His version of an Animated Galvatron


Like many Transformers fans, I was shocked to learn of the passing of Derrick J. Wyatt, lead character designer for Transformers: Animated, last month. While I didn't know him personally, I did get to meet him on a couple of occasions, as Derrick (himself a Transformers fan) was a regular attendee at conventions. The most recent of these occasions was BotCon 2016, where I purchased from him this sticker of his concept for what an Animated Galvatron might look like. I never have gotten around to sticking this on anything (once you place a sticker, it's generally stuck there forever, and I'm not keen to lose this piece!), but it's a fun concept, and I'm glad to share it on this occasion.

I'm going to be in the process of a move to a new house in the next month and a half. While I hope to keep posting at my regular schedule (or at least close to it!), this may not be possible (especially as so many of the toys that I might be featuring have to get boxed up for the transition!), so please bear with me. 

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