The surprise is that, after a period of reflection, and some behind-the-scenes work, I'll definitely not be giving up blogging. Instead, I'm rebranding and moving to a new URL. Welcome to "Blackrock's Toybox."
As long time readers already know, I had already completed my seminary degree even back when I started "Transforming Seminarian," and thus calling myself a "seminarian" was already a bit of a stretch, but I justified it on the basis of the fact that I still worked at that seminary. In the time between my February post and now, that's changed, and I no longer work there. Given this change, I decided that my continuing blog efforts would need to be accompanied by a name change. Since I've been using the moniker of "G.B. Blackrock" for years already, I decided to use the name as the basis for my new blog. You can find "Blackrock's Toybox" at http://blackrockstoybox.blogspot.com.
For those of you who have subscribed to either the blog's e-mail feed or its RSS feed, you will indeed need to update your accounts with the new blog with these links (which may also be found below the post).
With a new blog comes a new focus. I'll be focusing much more on toys (Transformers in particular, but not exclusively), and trying to offer some variety by following this approximate schedule:
- Two blog posts each week - One on Wednesday, and one on Saturday
- 1st Wednesday - Something from roughly the past decade (Classics Transformers and newer)
- 1st Saturday - Something from roughly 1996-2005
- 2nd Wednesday - Something from before 1995 (anything up to and including the end of Generation Two)
- 2nd Saturday - Anything goes!
- Then the cycle restarts with something from the past decade....
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