Monday, June 17, 2013

The Guy Who Did the '84 Transformers Back of the Box Art

Perhaps one of the most iconic images to come out of the original era of Transformers, the image you see here graced the back of the packaging for most of the first year's worth of Transformers toys back in 1984. I still get a nostalgic twinge whenever I see it.

Apparently, this art was created by an artist named David Schleinkofer, and the mainstay who currently goes by the name "Steve L.K. Macrocranios" (although long-time readers may remember a guy I referred to as "Crazy Steve." It's the same guy) has been in contact with him. Steve reports that he's working on an e-mail interview with Schleinkofer. Although I sadly missed Steve's deadline for sending questions over the weekend, you can still go to this link to see the discussion on, and can see more of Schleinkofer's work at his flickr account, where Steve says you can send your own questions anytime!

UPDATE - 6/18/13 - The interview has been posted here.

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