Friday, January 4, 2008

In Honor of the Wreckers

Transformers Wreckers TributeMembers of the Official Transformers Club had a long-term dream realized about a month ago when the story of "The Wreckers" (started by the previous incarnation of the club when they were still handling the official convention) was finally completed. The story is only available to members via the club site, so I can't link to that from here, but I can give a bit of context through links that are publicly available.
  • Wreckers Part 1: Departure
  • Wreckers Part 2: Betrayal
  • Wreckers Part 3: Disclosure has not yet been made available online.
  • The first four pages of Wreckers Part 4: Finale were in the club magazine issue 16, but are not available online.
  • The script to Wreckers Part 4 (apparently originally called "Renewal") was made available a few months ago on the Allspark.
  • Finale was eventually completed as a text story on the club site, incorporating parts of "Renewal," but completing the story based on outlines left by the original creators.
In honor of this achievement, I got out all the Transformers I have that played a part in the Wreckers storyline for an "action shot." Of course, nothing like this scene ever shows up in the story, and this particular assortment of characters was never together in the same place at any one time.