Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Green with Envy

It was recently reported that the Hartmans (the same brothers who were selling the G2 Protectobots and Stunticons on eBay recently) are going to be selling off their entire collection of Transformers (long understood to be one of the most complete in existence) at Botcon at the end of the month.

They just released these pictures of parts of their collection.

It's a Transformers fan's fantasy come true. Wall-to-wall Transformers on display. Like going to Toys R Us, but instead of being cluttered up with all those other toy lines, it's just Transformers everywhere.

Sadly, I doubt I'll have the funds to purchase so much as one of the toys from this particular collection. Still, one can drool over the pictures....


  1. I don't feel envious of them because my enjoyment of the hobby hasn't always been about the toys for me. I completed my personal collecting goals back in '99 or so. Being at that point of self-fulfillment puts a damper on one's jealousy.

    I do feel bad that people who probably don't have the resources or capability to properly preserve these items will end up buying them. One reason I never bought anything truly rare is because I move a lot and things could get battered, lost or broken no matter how much I tried to preserve them. I can only hope that the new owners of these pieces dedicate the same amount of care and preservation as the Hartmans did.

    Oh, and later on in the thread Karl wrote that there will be $1, $2, and $5 boxes. So you'll probably be able to afford SOMETHING, even if it is just a decoy of Reflector.

  2. Oh, and later on in the thread Karl wrote that there will be $1, $2, and $5 boxes. So you'll probably be able to afford SOMETHING, even if it is just a decoy of Reflector.

    I was indeed pleased to notice that. My main fear (and it may well be irrational) is that there will be such demand for these that all the "good deals" will be gone by the time I've gotten a chance to have a look.

    (I have the same fear about getting the "extra" exclusives at the convention, too. Nothing much to do at this point but see what happens....)
