Friday, March 28, 2025

Toxitron Collection Cloudcover (2023) and the "Lost" Generation 2 Toys

Toxitron Collection CloudcoverSo, it's been a couple of years, but I'm back with a semi-regular posting schedule. I'm hoping to have at least a post a week for the time being, although posts won't always go up on Fridays so that I can properly recognize anniversaries and such on the proper date. Also, I'm trying to be a bit more diverse than just writing about Transformers for the time being (although it did seem appropriate that my first post in so long should make clear that Transformers will remain something this blog should be known for). You'll see what I mean as more posts appear in the coming weeks.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Watch This Space...

The past few years have been pretty chaotic ones. The pressures of moving forced me to pull back on my writing and posting a few years ago (and I've moved again since then!). But even though blogging is considered more and more archaic all the time, writing remains a form of self-expression I enjoy.

So, when I realized that the 20th anniversary of my first blog post (back when I did them at Transforming Seminarian) was coming up in April, I decided that this was a good time to get back into the habit of regular posting. But I'm not quite ready, thanks to current work pressures and other commitments, so I'm looking through the archives, and posting links to old posts that I think still hold up after all this time (and, sadly, I see that there's quite a lot that doesn't... I guess that's what 20 years of growth means, though, so I guess I won't complain) over on my BlueSky account. You're welcome to follow me over there. Subscribe to A new link to an old post will go live every Friday between now and the anniversary in mid-April.

In the meantime, I'm making plans. By the time the anniversary comes around in April, there will definitely be content here. Another thing you might look forward to in April is "JSApril," a podcasting and blog event celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Justice Society of America, the very first comic book super team. You can see a list of participating podcasts and blogs (including this one!) listed at

See you then!