Now to be clear, I've witnessed a number of changes to eBay's policies over the years, as they themselves have tried to figure out how best to keep their business going while providing the service they provide. To say that these changes have not always been popular is an understatement, but I'm not looking to get into those debates here. My fear is not based on some sense that eBay's policies are buyer-focused to the detriment of sellers, as many contend the current policies are. Rather, my fear is based on knowing the nature of toy-collecting fans only too well.
Fans do not come in only one stripe, of course. We range from casual to obsessive, with many areas of grey in-between. Although I have always done my best to either sell items that are in good condition, or to be honest about any faults that the items have (and am proud of the 100% percent positive feedback rating I've maintained all these years, even before eBay changed their policy to reflect only the most recent 12 months in that rating), I know that what seems to me to be a "perfectly good specimen" may not seem so to a fan who (for example) obsesses over the smallest apparent imperfection.
Of course, most sales go off without a hitch, but every once in a while those fears become justified, as I hear back from a buyer that something was wrong with the figure I sold them. Now, it's of course always possible that nothing was wrong with the figure, and the buyer is just trying to get away with something, but I've long since accepted that it is unhelpful to start with such an assumption. Rather, it is simply good policy to assume good faith and to offer a refund upon return of the item (I do not offer refunds before the item is returned. I'm not crazy!).
It's easy to hold to a standard of good behavior when nothing goes wrong. It is really only when things don't go as expected that one really gets to the true nature of one's character. I hope that my character has been demonstrated well when I've responded to sales that didn't go as well as I'd intended, but I expect that, someday, the difference between my viewpoint and the buyer's may become too great to reconcile amiably, and I've got to admit, the prospect still scares me all the time.